Thursday, November 15, 2012

Back with openers!!

Here are 3 PUA openers you can use when approaching women in clubs or bars:
The fight opener.
This is a simple opener that was mentioned in “The Game” by Neil Strauss and can easily be applied in a busy club or bar. By the way, if you’ve not read the game it’s an excellent book about an AFC who becomes a PUA. You should definately read it. I’ve added a link below if you want to buy it from amazon. Anyway – back to the opener. Get close to the girl you want to talk to and ask her if she saw the fight that happened outside earlier. Of course there wasn’t a fight so she’ll reply with something like “No, what happened?” Depending on how vivid your imagination is you can say whatever you want providing you don’t make it obvious you’re talking absolute crap. A simple response would be “Some guy just started kicking off.. What an ass.. I’m Mick by the way..”

The cocky opener.
A cocky approach would be to say the following. “Hey, just because you’re hot doesn’t mean you don’t have to talk to me you know?!…”
The guy with the big cojones opener.
OK to pull this off you need to be extremely confident and don’t start laughing and smiling like a tool. Walk straight up to her and say the following:
You: “Hey”
Her: “Hey”
You: “What are your plans later?”
Her: “I don’t know, why?”
You: “Do you want to come back to mine?”
Keep a straight face, look her straight in the eye and wait for her reaction.
Remember canned material shouldn’t be used in in excess. It’s more important to improve your conversation and be relaxed and natural when talking to women. If you’re not familiar with NLP or Neuro-linguistic Programming then I would highly recommend at least learning the basics.  Remember NLP is not directly related to becoming a PUA or getting more girls. 

Cheers!!! hv fun out there guys!!! will be bak soon